Most of the humans in the world experience hair loss as they age. The cause can be linked to environmental situations, diet, lifestyle, and various medical conditions such as the common androgenetic alopecia, known as male or female pattern hair loss. With changes in diet and lifestyle one could reduce the effects of the hair loss but there’s no certain cure to the progress of such hair loss other than hair transplant surgery. Modern hair transplantation continuously advances. Sapphire FUE hair transplant is a new technique of FUE hair transplantation. The difference between Sapphire FUE hair transplant and regular FUE hair transplant is as the name suggests is Sapphire blades.
The Sapphire FUE hair transplant procedure is performed under local anesthesia, sedation/general anesthesia is scarcely suggested (it could be used in rare cases where it’s needed). The patient’s head is trimmed or shaved before the day of the surgery. The recipient area, which is the canvas of the surgeon’s art carefully, precisely marked keeping in mind the aesthetic quality, existing baldness, and patients’ expectations. Then the surgeon removes the individual follicular units containing one to four hairs, this follicular removing method prevents the utilization of scalpel and stitching.
The Difference Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Makes
In the Sapphire FUE hair transplant, the follicular unit removing the detaching of units is performed with micro-blades same as the regular FUE hair transplant, but the sapphire hair transplant method is performed with sapphire blades which, as it is suggested, are made from the gem sapphire. Incisions are practiced by sapphire blades. With Sapphire blades, smoother, more natural-looking hair with adequate density is easily achievable. The sapphire blades create a look superior in density to the regular steel blades, as the sapphire blades are constructed with a V-shaped pin it’s easier to open smaller channels, smaller channels result in a naturally amplified look. The form of sapphire blades also helps with the creation of aesthetically, better-looking, gentler hairlines. The smaller blades also help to prevent any damage to the neighboring follicles. And since scarring has always been a sticking point with patients when it comes to hair transplant surgery or the fear of people noticing that they have had treatment, the combination of smaller blades, v shape of the needle reduces both the scalp’s recovery time and the dot-like scarring, the smaller construct of sapphire blades also prevent any future change at the angles of hair follicles.
Aside from the aesthetic purposes of the sapphire FUE transplantation, the health side of this procedure is about reaching a quicker healing process, and the tissue recovery is noticeably faster than steel blades. And with the quality of sapphire blades lowers the risk of trauma and other complications that may happen using steel blades. The sapphire blades are smoother on the scalp, and their special shape damages the scalp’s tissue less, making this technique a good alternative for every patient, but the technique also serves as an important alternative for people who are metal sensitive. The sapphire blades are also antibacterial, which makes them safe, and as they do not disrupt blood circulation the healing period is shorter than the regular steel blades.